Sept. 5, 2023

Bonus - Very Special Episode 1: Back to School!

Bonus - Very Special Episode 1:  Back to School!
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The Balancing Act

Nervous?  Of course!  Excited?  Absolutely.  Today's episode comes from the shores of Long Beach Island.  Enjoy the conversation, the laughs, and the sound of the ocean! On this very special episode of The Balancing Act...

Nervous?  Of course!  Excited?  Absolutely.  Today's episode comes from the shores of Long Beach Island.  Enjoy the conversation, the laughs, and the sound of the ocean!

On this very special episode of The Balancing Act podcast we tackle the topic of the “Sunday Scaries.”   How do you handle the back to school blues?. From shopping for school supplies, carpools, planning for and attending all the sports and activities, and our discussion on how to mentally prepare for the great climb that is September. Listen as we explore some of our experiences with getting back on track and our personal advice as we put our collective best foot forward and enter the 2023-2024 school year.