Oct. 3, 2023

Just say no… but not to “being accountable.”

This week our hosts discuss how to handle the ever growing to do list as the school year unfolds and explore how to manage a full to overflowing plate of expectations and responsibilities. Whether it is learning to say no, or leaning on a friend or co...
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The Balancing Act
Sept. 19, 2023

Wake me up when September ends....

Our hosts return to discuss back to school madness and just how to manage all of the craziness that is involved in getting yourself and your family through the month of September. Tips and best practices are the topic for this newest episode of The...
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The Balancing Act
Sept. 5, 2023

Bonus - Very Special Episode 1: Back to School!

Nervous?  Of course!  Excited?  Absolutely.  Today's episode comes from the shores of Long Beach Island.  Enjoy the conversation, the laughs, and the sound of the ocean! On this very special episode of The Balancing Act...
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The Balancing Act
Aug. 29, 2023

Maiden Voyage - Part 1

This is it!  The inaugural episodes of The Balancing Act Podcast!  Let’s meet the hosts on the premiere episode, with Joseph Vitale and Jamie Wanko. Spend a minute getting to know them, and a bit about their professional experience...
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The Balancing Act
Aug. 29, 2023

Maiden Voyage - Part II

Part II of the premiere episode of the Balancing Act podcast, Times they are a Changin, focuses on time management and the guilt involved with being a teacher, parent and spouse. We explore balancing our own time to care for ourselves, the time it...
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The Balancing Act
July 20, 2023


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The Balancing Act